Author: Leon Clinton

The Best Financial Tool for Business Owners

What if there were a tool that helped you create crystal-clear plans, provided you with continual feedback about how well your plan was working, and that told you exactly what’s working and what isn’t?

Well, there is such a tool. It’s called the Budget vs. Actual Report and it’s exactly what you need to be able to consistently make smart business decisions to keep your business on track for success.

Clarifying Your Plan

The clearer you are about your business goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. Creating a budget forces you to examine the details of your goals, as well as how even a single business decision affects all other aspects of your company’s operations.

Example: Let’s say that you want to grow your sales by 15 percent this year.

Does that mean you need to hire another salesperson? When will the business start to see new sales from this person? Do you need to set up an office for them? New phone line? Buy them a computer? Do you need to do more advertising? How much more will you spend? When will you see the return on your advertising expenditure?

Navigating the Ship

Once you clarify your goals, then you start making business decisions to help you reach your desired outcome. Some of those decisions will be great and give you better than expected results, but others might not.

This is when the Budget vs. Actual Report becomes an effective management tool. When you compare your budgeted sales and expenses to your actual results, you see exactly how far off you might be with regard to your budget, goals, and plans.

Sometimes you need to adjust your plan (budget) and sometimes you need to focus more attention to areas of your business that are not performing as well as you planned. Either way, you are gleaning valuable insights into your business.

It’s like sailing a boat. You may be off-course most of the time, but having a clear goal and making many adjustments helps you reach your destination.

Just Do It

We often know what we need to do but don’t take the necessary action. It may seem like a huge hassle to create a budget and then create a Budget vs. Actual Report every month, but as with any new skill, it does get easier.

Turn your dreams into reality. Give the office a call and let a tax and accounting professional guide you through the budgeting process.

Paying off Debt the Smart Way

Between mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and student loans, most people are in debt. While being debt-free is a worthwhile goal, most people need to focus on managing their debt first since it’s likely to be there for most of their life.

Handled wisely, however, that debt won’t be an albatross around your neck. You don’t need to shell out your hard-earned money because of exorbitant interest rates or always feel like you’re on the verge of bankruptcy. You can pay off debt the smart way, while at the same time, saving money to pay it off even faster.

Assess the Situation

First, assess the depth of your debt. Write it down using pencil and paper or use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel. You can also use a bookkeeping program such as Quicken. Include every instance you can think of where a company has given you something in advance of payment, including your mortgage, car payment(s), credit cards, tax liens, student loans, and payments on electronics or other household items through a store.

Record the day the debt began and when it will end (if possible), the interest rate you’re paying, and what your payments typically are. Next, add it all up–as painful as that might be. Try not to be discouraged! Remember, you’re going to break this down into manageable chunks while finding extra money to help pay it down.

Identify High-Cost Debt

Yes, some debts are more expensive than others. Unless you’re getting payday loans (which you shouldn’t be), the worst offenders are probably your credit cards. Here’s how to deal with them.

  • Don’t use them. Don’t cut them up, but put them in a drawer and only access them in an emergency.
  • Identify the card with the highest interest and pay off as much as you can every month. Pay minimums on the others. When that one’s paid off, work on the card with the next highest rate.
  • Don’t close existing cards or open any new ones. It won’t help your credit rating, and in fact, will only hurt it.
  • Pay on time, absolutely every time. One late payment these days can lower your FICO score.
  • Go over your credit-card statements with a fine-tooth comb. Are you still being charged for that travel club you’ve never used? Look for line items you don’t need.
  • Call your credit card companies and ask them nicely if they would lower your interest rates. It does work sometimes!

Save, Save, Save

Do whatever you can to retire debt. Consider taking a second job and using that income only for higher payments on your financial obligations. Substitute free family activities for high-cost ones. Sell high-value items that you can live without.

Do Away with Unnecessary Items to Reduce Debt Load

Do you really need the 200-channel cable option or that satellite dish on your roof? You’ll be surprised at what you don’t miss. How about magazine subscriptions? They’re not terribly expensive, but every penny counts. It’s nice to have a library of books, but consider visiting the public library or half-price bookstores until your debt is under control.

Never, Ever Miss a Payment

Not only are you retiring debt, but you’re also building a stellar credit rating. If you ever move or buy another car, you’ll want to get the lowest rate possible. A blemish-free payment record will help with that. Besides, credit card companies can be quick to raise interest rates because of one late payment. A completely missed one is even more serious.

Pay with Cash

To avoid increasing debt load, make it a habit to pay for everything you purchase with cash. If you don’t have the cash for it, you probably don’t need it. You’ll feel better about what you do have if you know it’s owned free and clear.

Shop wisely, and Use the Savings to Pay down Your Debt

If your family is large enough to warrant it, invest $30 or $40 and join a store like Sam’s or Costco–and use it. Shop there first, then at the grocery store. Change brands if you have to and swallow your pride. If you’re concerned about buying organic, rest assured that even at places like Costco you will have many options. Use coupons religiously. Calculate the money you’re saving and slap it on your debt.

Each of these steps, taken alone, probably doesn’t seem like much, but if you adopt as many as you can, you’ll watch your debt decrease every month. If you need help managing debt, please call for assistance.

Tax Compliance Issues for Non-Profits

Whether you’ve just started a nonprofit, recently submitted your organization’s first Form 990, or are the executive director, it’s important not to lose sight of your obligations under federal and state tax laws. From annual filing and reporting requirements to taxes on business income and payroll compliance, here’s a quick look at what nonprofits need to know about tax compliance.

Annual Filing and Reporting Requirements: Form 990

Once you’ve applied for and received tax-exempt status under (Section 501(c)(3) and filed Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, your organization is officially a nonprofit, and is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3). Tax exempt status refers to exemption from federal income tax on income related to the organization’s mission, as well as the ability to receive tax-deductible contributions from donors.

The next step is to comply with annual filing and reporting requirements, specifically, Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax.

Generally, tax-exempt organizations are required to file annual returns. If an organization does not file a required return or files late, the IRS may assess penalties. In addition, if an organization does not file as required for three consecutive years, it automatically loses its tax-exempt status.

There are four different Forms 990; which form an organization must file generally depends on its gross receipts. Forms 990-EZ or 990 are used for organizations with gross receipts of less than $200,000 and with total assets of less than $500,000. Form 990 is used for nonprofits with gross receipts of less than $200,000, and with total assets less than $500,000.

Certain small organizations may file an annual electronic notice, the Form 990-N (e-Postcard). Private foundations file Form 990-PF regardless of financial status.

Form 990 is submitted to the IRS five and a half months after the end of an organization’s calendar year. For example, for nonprofits whose calendar year ends on December 31st, the initial return due date for Form 990 is May 15. If a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date is delayed until the next business day.

Extended due dates of three and six months are available for Forms 990; however, for Form 990-N the due date is the “initial return due date,” e.g. May 15 and extended due dates do not apply.

NOTE: Unlike individual tax returns filed with the IRS, which may be postmarked on April 15, Forms 990 must be received (not postmarked) by the IRS before the May 15 due date.

Unrelated Business Income Taxes (UBIT)

Unrelated business income is defined as income from a trade or business which is regularly carried on and is not substantially related to the charitable, educational, or other purpose that is the basis of the organization’s exemption.

While it may come as a surprise to some, nearly all tax-exempt organizations are required to pay taxes on unrelated business income, which might include proceeds from an annual holiday card sale or souvenirs related to an educational exhibit in support of the nonprofit’s mission.

If the IRS determines that a nonprofit is significantly underreporting income from unrelated business activities, it may lose its tax-exempt status.

Employment and Payroll Compliance

Similar to for-profit companies, nonprofit organizations must comply with both federal and state payroll reporting requirements. Federal tax withholding, social security taxes, and Medicare taxes must be deposited through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (“EFTPS”), and the organization must file Form 941 on a quarterly basis. Nonprofits are also required to report reimbursements to employees for out-of-pocket expenses; however, nonprofits that create an accountable reimbursement plan or ARP that meets IRS guidelines are able to avoid these reporting requirements.

Stay Informed

These are just a few of the tax-compliance issues facing nonprofit organizations. If you have any questions, would like more information, or need help setting up an accountable reimbursement plan that meets IRS requirements, please call.

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