Author: Leon Clinton

Cash Management Tips for Small Businesses

Cash is the lifeblood of any small business. Here are some tips to help your business maintain a sufficient cash flow to meet its financial goals and run efficiently:

Toughen up your credit policies. Review the payment terms you offer to customers and tighten them up if slow payment is a problem area for your business. For instance, how long are customers given to pay? What action will be taken if a payment is missed? Be sure your credit terms are communicated effectively to customers before transactions are entered into.

Tip: Consider requiring advance payments – at least in part – for new customers.


Tip: For many businesses, a routine credit check should be performed before a sales or service transaction is entered into with a new customer.

Come up with a budget – and stick to it. Surprisingly, many small businesses do not engage in the budgeting process. A budget can be extremely effective in helping you keep track of whether cost- and revenue-related goals are being met. Depending on the size and complexity of the business, the budget process might be informal or formal, lengthy or simple. Projected revenues and expenses should be broken down by months.

Tip: If you don’t already do so, budget for next year’s revenues and expenses near the end of each year. Review budgeted to actual results monthly.


Tighten up billing. If collecting bills has become a problem for your business, you might want to consider increasing the intervals at which customers are billed–e.g., from three months to one month, or from one month to two weeks.

Tip: Review your accounts receivable weekly or even daily to make sure slow payers are not allowed to slide.


If you have questions regarding your company’s cash flow and credit/collection policies, give us a call. We can help.

Lost Your Job This Year? There Could Be Tax Consequences

Given the current economic conditions, you may be faced with tax questions surrounding a job loss and unemployment issues.

Here are some answers:

Q: What if I received unemployment compensation in 2010?

A: Unemployment compensation you received under the unemployment compensation laws of the United States or of a state must be included in your income. It is taxable income. If you received unemployment compensation, you should receive Form 1099-G showing the amount you were paid and any federal income tax you elected to have withheld.

Q: What if I lost my job?

A: The loss of a job may create new tax issues. Severance pay and unemployment compensation are taxable. Payments for any accumulated vacation or sick time also are taxable. You should ensure that enough taxes are withheld from these payments or make estimated tax payments to avoid a big bill at tax time. Public assistance and food stamps are not taxable.

Q: What if I searched for a job?

A: You may be able to deduct certain expenses you incurred while looking for a new job, even if you did not get a new job. Expenses include travel, resume preparation, and outplacement agency fees. Moving costs for a new job at least 50 miles away from your home may also be deductible.

Q: What if my employer went out of business or in to bankruptcy?

A: Your employer must provide you with a 2010 W-2 Form showing your wages and withholdings by January 31, 2011. You should keep up-to-date records or pay stubs until you receive your Form W-2. If your employer or its representatives fail to provide you with a Form W-2, contact the IRS. They can help by providing you with a substitute Form W-2. If your employer liquidated your 401(k) plan, you have 60 days to roll it over to another qualified retirement plan or IRA.

If you have experienced a job loss and have questions, please call us. You need to be prepared for the tax consequences.

Spring Cleaning: Tax Records You Can Throw Away

Spring is a great time to clean out that growing mountain of tax and financial papers that clutters your home and office. Here’s what you need to keep and what you can throw out without fearing the wrath of the IRS.

Let’s start with your “safety zone,” the IRS statute of limitations. This limits the number of years during which the IRS can audit your tax returns. Once that period has expired, the IRS is legally prohibited from even asking you questions about those returns.

The concept behind it is that after a period of years, records are lost or misplaced and memory isn’t as accurate as we would hope. There’s a need for finality. Once the statute of limitations has expired, the IRS can’t go after you for additional taxes, but you can’t go after the IRS for additional refunds, either.

The Three-Year Rule

For assessment of additional taxes, the statute of limitation runs generally three years from the date you file your return. If you’re looking for an additional refund, the limitations period is generally the later of three years from the date you filed the original return or two years from the date you paid the tax. There are some exceptions:
If you don’t report all your income and the unreported amount is more than 25% of the gross income actually shown on your return, the limitation period is six years.

• If you’ve claimed a loss from a worthless security, the limitation period is extended to seven years.

• If you file a “fraudulent” return, or don’t file at all, the limitations period doesn’t apply. In fact, the IRS can get you at any time.

• If you’re deciding what records you need or want to keep, you have to ask what your chances are of an audit. A tax audit is an IRS verification of items of income and deductions on your return. So you should keep records to support those items until the statute of limitations runs out.

Assuming that you’ve filed on time and paid what you should, you only have to keep your tax records for three years, but some records have to be kept longer than that.

Remember, the three-year rule relates to the information on your tax return. But, some of that information may relate to transactions more than three years old.

Here’s a checklist of the documents you should hold on to:

1. Capital gains and losses. Your gain is reduced by your basis – your cost (including all commissions) plus, with mutual funds, any reinvested dividends and capital gains. But you may have bought that stock five years ago and you’ve been reinvesting those dividends and capital gains over the last decade. And don’t forget those stock splits.

You don’t ever want to throw these records away until after you sell the securities. And then if you’re audited, you’ll have to prove those numbers. Therefore, you’ll need to keep those records for at least three years after you file the return reporting their sales.

2. Expenses on your home. Cost records for your house and any improvements should be kept until the home is sold. It’s just good practice, even though most homeowners won’t face any tax problems. That’s because profit of less than $250,000 on your home ($500,000 on a joint return) isn’t subject to taxes under tax legislation enacted in 1997.

If the profit is more than $250,000/$500,000, or if you don’t qualify for the full gain exclusion, then you’re going to need those records for another three years after that return is filed. Most homeowners probably won’t face that issue thanks to the 1997 tax law, but of course, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

1997 tax law, but of course, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

3. Business records. Business records can become a nightmare. Non-residential real estate is now depreciated over 39 years. You could be audited on the depreciation up to three years after you file the return for the 39th year. That’s a long time to hold on to receipts, but you may need to validate those numbers.

4. Employment, bank, and brokerage statements. Keep all your W-2s, 1099s, brokerage, and bank statements to prove income until three years after you file. And don’t even think about dumping checks, receipts, mileage logs, tax diaries, and other documentation that substantiate your expenses.

5. Tax returns. Keep copies of your tax returns as well. You can’t rely on the IRS to actually have a copy of your old returns. As a general rule, you should keep tax records for 6 years.

The bottom line is that you’ve got to keep those records until they can no longer affect your tax return, plus the three-year statute of limitations.

6. Social Security records. You will need to keep some records for Social Security purposes, so check with the Social Security Administration each year to confirm that your payments have been appropriately credited. If they’re wrong, you’ll need your W-2 or copies of your Schedule C (if self-employed) to prove the right amount. Don’t dispose of those records until after you’ve validated those contributions.

You can confirm your payments and estimate your future benefits by filing Form SSA-7004 with the Social Security Administration. You can download the form, or apply online.

Contact us by phone or email if you have any questions about what records you need to keep this spring.

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