Reduce Your Taxes with Miscellaneous Deductions
If you itemize deductions on your tax return, you may be able to deduct certain miscellaneous expenses, which might reduce your federal income tax. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at miscellaneous deductions that might benefit you this tax season.
Deductions Subject to the Two Percent Limit. You can deduct most miscellaneous expenses only if they exceed two percent of your adjusted gross income. These include expenses such as:
- Unreimbursed employee expenses.
- Expenses related to searching for a new job in the same profession.
- Certain work clothes and uniforms.
- Tools needed for your job.
- Union dues.
- Work-related travel and transportation.
Deductions Not Subject to the Two Percent Limit. Some deductions are not subject to the two percent of AGI limit. Some expenses on this list include:
- Certain casualty and theft losses. This deduction applies if you held the damaged or stolen property for investment. Property that you hold for investment may include assets such as stocks, bonds and works of art.
- Gambling losses up to the amount of gambling winnings.
- Losses from Ponzi-type investment schemes.
Miscellaneous deductions are reported on Schedule A, Itemized Deductions. Be sure to keep records of your deductions as a reminder when you file your taxes in 2014.
Keep in mind that many expenses are not deductible. For example, you can’t deduct personal living or family expenses. If you have questions about whether your expenses are deductible or need assistance with Schedule A, don’t hesitate to give us a call.