
Section 1031 Exchanges vs Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds: Which is Better?

Have you sold, or are you planning to sell commercial or rental property?

To avoid immediately paying capital gains tax on your profit, you have options:

  • Deferring the capital gains tax using a Section 1031 exchange
  • Deferring the capital gains tax using a qualified opportunity zone fund

With a Section 1031 exchange, you sell your property and invest all the proceeds in

another like-kind replacement property of equal or greater value.

With a qualified opportunity fund, you don’t acquire another property. Instead, you invest in a corporation, partnership, or LLC that pools money from investors to invest in property in areas designated by the government as qualified opportunity zones. Most qualified opportunity funds invest in real estate.

Which is better? It depends on your goals. There is no one right answer for everybody.

A Section 1031 exchange is preferable to a qualified opportunity fund investment if your goal is to hold the replacement property until death, when your estate will transfer it to your heirs. They’ll get the property with a basis stepped up to current market value, and then they can sell the property immediately, likely tax-free.

In contrast, your investment in a qualified opportunity fund requires that you pay your deferred capital gains tax with your 2026 tax return. That’s the bad news (only four years of tax deferral).

The good news: if you hold the qualified opportunity fund for 10 years or more, there’s zero tax on the appreciation.

In contrast, if you sell your Section 1031 replacement property, you pay capital gains tax on the difference between the original property’s basis and the replacement property’s sale amount.

And if you’re looking to avoid the headaches and responsibilities that come with ownership of commercial or rental property, the qualified opportunity fund does that for you.

If you’re looking for liquidity, the qualified opportunity fund gives you that because you need to invest only the capital gains to defer the taxes. With the 1031 exchange, you must invest the entire sales proceeds in the replacement property to avoid any capital gains tax.

Of course, you want your investment to perform. Make sure to do your due diligence, whatever your choice.

If you want to discuss Section 1031 exchanges or opportunity funds, please call me on my direct line at 408-778-9651.

2022 Last-Minute Year-End Tax Deductions for Existing Vehicle

Wow, how time flies! Yes, December 31 is just around the corner.

That’s your last day to find tax deductions available from your existing business and personal (yes, personal) vehicles that you can use to cut your 2022 taxes. But don’t wait. Get on this now!

1. Take Back Your Child’s or Spouse’s Car and Sell It

We know—this sounds horrible. But stay with us.

What did you do with your old business car? Do you still have it? Is your child driving it? Or is your spouse using it as a personal car?

We ask because that old business vehicle could have a big tax loss embedded in it. If so, your strategy is easy: sell the vehicle to a third party before December 31 so you have a tax-deductible loss this year.

Your loss deduction depends on your percentage of business use. That’s one reason to sell this vehicle now: the longer you let your spouse or teenager use it, the smaller your business percentage becomes and the less tax benefit you receive.

2. Cash In on Past Vehicle Trade-Ins

In the past (before 2018), when you traded vehicles in, you pushed your old business basis to the replacement vehicle under the old Section 1031 tax-deferred exchange rules. (But remember, these rules no longer apply to Section 1031 exchanges of vehicles or other personal property occurring after December 31, 2017.)

Whether you used IRS mileage rates or the actual-expense method for deducting your business vehicles, you could still find a significant deduction here.

Check out how Sam finds a $27,000 tax-loss deduction on his existing business car. Sam has been in business for 11 years, during which he

  • converted his original personal car (car one) to business use;
  • then traded in the converted car for a new business car (car two);
  • then traded in car two for a replacement business car (car three); and
  • then traded in car three for another replacement business car (car four), which he is driving today.

During the 11 years Sam has been in business, he has owned four cars. Further, he deducted each of his cars using IRS standard mileage rates.

If Sam sells his mileage-rate car today, he will realize a tax loss of $27,000. The loss is the accumulation of 11 years of car activity, during which Sam never cashed out because he always traded cars. (This was before he knew anything about gain or loss.)

Further, Sam thought his use of IRS mileage rates was the end of it—nothing more to think about (wrong thinking here, too).

Because the trades occurred before 2018, they were Section 1031 exchanges and deferred the tax results to the next vehicle. IRS mileage rates contain a depreciation component. That’s one possible reason Sam unknowingly accumulated his significant deduction.

To get a mental picture of how this one sale produces a cash cow, consider this: when Sam sells car four, he is really selling four cars—because the old Section 1031 exchange rules added the old basis of each vehicle to the replacement vehicle’s basis.

Examine your car for this possible loss deduction. Have you been trading business cars? If so, your tax loss deduction could be big!

3. Put Your Personal Vehicle in Business Service

Lawmakers reinstated 100 percent bonus depreciation, creating an effective strategy that costs you nothing but can produce substantial deductions.

Are you (or your spouse) driving a personal SUV, crossover vehicle, or pickup truck with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 6,000 pounds? Would you like to increase your tax deductions for this year?

If so, place that personal vehicle in business service this year.

If you see opportunities for deductions that you would like to discuss with me, call me on my direct line at 408-778-9651.

2022 Last-Minute Year-End Tax Strategies for Your Stock Portfolio

When you take advantage of the tax code’s offset game, your stock market portfolio can represent a little gold mine of opportunities to reduce your 2022 income taxes.

The tax code contains the basic rules for this game, and once you know the rules, you can apply the correct strategies.

Here’s the basic strategy:

  • Avoid the high taxes (up to 40.8 percent) on short-term capital gains and ordinary income.
  • Lower the taxes to zero—or if you can’t do that, lower them to 23.8 percent or less by making the profits subject to long-term capital gains.

Think of this: you are paying taxes at a 71.4 percent higher rate when you pay at 40.8 percent rather than the tax-favored 23.8 percent.

To avoid higher rates, here are seven possible tax planning strategies.

Strategy 1

Examine your portfolio for stocks you want to unload, and make sales where you offset short-term gains subject to a high tax rate, such as 40.8 percent, with long-term losses (up to 23.8 percent).

In other words, make the high taxes disappear by offsetting them with low-taxed losses, and pocket the difference.

Strategy 2

Use long-term losses to create the $3,000 deduction allowed against ordinary income.

Again, you are trying to use the 23.8 percent loss to kill a 40.8 percent rate of tax (or a 0 percent loss to kill a 12 percent tax, if you are in the 12 percent or lower tax bracket).

Strategy 3

As an individual investor, avoid the wash-sale loss rule.

Under the wash-sale loss rule, if you sell a stock or other security and then purchase substantially identical stock or securities within 30 days before or after the date of sale, you don’t recognize your loss on that sale. Instead, the code makes you add the loss amount to the basis of your new stock.

If you want to use the loss in 2022, you’ll have to sell the stock and sit on your hands for more than 30 days before repurchasing that stock.

Strategy 4

If you have lots of capital losses or capital loss carryovers and the $3,000 allowance is looking extra tiny, sell additional stocks, rental properties, and other assets to create offsetting capital gains.

If you sell stocks to purge the capital losses, you can immediately repurchase the stock after you sell it—there’s no wash-sale “gain” rule.

Strategy 5

Do you give money to your parents to assist them with their retirement or living expenses? How about children (specifically, children not subject to the kiddie tax)?

If so, consider giving appreciated stock to your parents and your non-kiddie-tax children. Why? If the parents or children are in lower tax brackets than you are, you get a bigger bang for your buck by

  • gifting them stock,
  • having them sell the stock, and then
  • having them pay taxes on the stock sale at their lower tax rates.

Strategy 6

If you are going to donate to a charity, consider appreciated stock rather than cash because a donation of appreciated stock gives you more tax benefit.

It works like this:

  • Benefit 1. You deduct the fair market value of the stock as a charitable donation.
  • Benefit 2. You don’t pay any of the taxes you would have had to pay if you sold the stock.

Example. You bought a publicly traded stock for $1,000, and it’s now worth $11,000. If you give it to a 501(c)(3) charity, the following happens:

  • You get a tax deduction for $11,000.
  • You pay no taxes on the $10,000 profit.

Two rules to know:

  1. Your deductions for donating appreciated stocks to 501(c)(3) organizations may not exceed 30 percent of your adjusted gross income.
  2. If your publicly traded stock donation exceeds the 30 percent, no problem. Tax law allows you to carry forward the excess until used, for up to five years.

Strategy 7

If you could sell a publicly traded stock at a loss, do not give that loss-deduction stock to a 501(c)(3) charity. Why? If you sell the stock, you have a tax loss that you can deduct. If you give the stock to a charity, you get no deduction for the loss—in other words, you can just kiss that tax-reducing loss goodbye.

These stock strategies have a long history in tax planning. If you need my help with any of them, please call me on my direct line at 408-778-9651.

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