looking for a new job

Job Search Expenses May Lower Your Taxes

September is often a time of transition, when people decide to make major life decisions–such as changing jobs. If you’re looking for a new job, then you may be able to claim a tax deduction for some of your job hunting expenses–as long as it’s in your same line of work.

Here are seven things you need to know about deducting these costs:

1. Your expenses must be for a job search in your current occupation. You may not deduct expenses related to a search for a job in a new occupation. If your employer or another party reimburses you for an expense, you may not deduct it.

2. You can deduct employment and job placement agency fees you pay while looking for a job.

3. You can deduct the cost of preparing and mailing copies of your resume to prospective employers.

4. If you travel to look for a new job, you may be able to deduct your travel expenses. However, you can only deduct them if the trip is primarily to look for a new job.

5. You can’t deduct job search expenses if there was a substantial break between the end of your last job and the time you began looking for a new one.

6. You can’t deduct job search expenses if you’re looking for a job for the first time.

7. You will usually claim job search expenses as a miscellaneous itemized deduction, but can deduct only the amount of your total miscellaneous deductions that exceed two percent of your adjusted gross income.

Give us a call if you have any questions about tax deductions related to a job search.

Lost Your Job This Year? There Could Be Tax Consequences

Given the current economic conditions, you may be faced with tax questions surrounding a job loss and unemployment issues.

Here are some answers:

Q: What if I received unemployment compensation in 2010?

A: Unemployment compensation you received under the unemployment compensation laws of the United States or of a state must be included in your income. It is taxable income. If you received unemployment compensation, you should receive Form 1099-G showing the amount you were paid and any federal income tax you elected to have withheld.

Q: What if I lost my job?

A: The loss of a job may create new tax issues. Severance pay and unemployment compensation are taxable. Payments for any accumulated vacation or sick time also are taxable. You should ensure that enough taxes are withheld from these payments or make estimated tax payments to avoid a big bill at tax time. Public assistance and food stamps are not taxable.

Q: What if I searched for a job?

A: You may be able to deduct certain expenses you incurred while looking for a new job, even if you did not get a new job. Expenses include travel, resume preparation, and outplacement agency fees. Moving costs for a new job at least 50 miles away from your home may also be deductible.

Q: What if my employer went out of business or in to bankruptcy?

A: Your employer must provide you with a 2010 W-2 Form showing your wages and withholdings by January 31, 2011. You should keep up-to-date records or pay stubs until you receive your Form W-2. If your employer or its representatives fail to provide you with a Form W-2, contact the IRS. They can help by providing you with a substitute Form W-2. If your employer liquidated your 401(k) plan, you have 60 days to roll it over to another qualified retirement plan or IRA.

If you have experienced a job loss and have questions, please call us. You need to be prepared for the tax consequences.

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