
Job-Tracking Adds Precision to Your QuickBooks Company

Does your business have clients whose work sometimes requires multiple steps drawn out over weeks or months, like remodeling projects or court cases? If so, and you’re not using QuickBooks’ Jobs features, you’re missing out on the opportunity to track and evaluate the financial impact of these complex tasks.

You can, of course, just send an invoice out to these customers. But if you do, you’re not taking advantage of what QuickBooks’ job tools can do. If you create and track these projects faithfully, you’ll have valuable insight that you wouldn’t otherwise.

Simple definitions

Before you create jobs, you’ll need to make sure that QuickBooks is set up properly. Click on Edit | Preferences and then on the Jobs & Estimates and Company Preferences tabs. You’ll see this window:

Figure 1: It’s important to set up Jobs options before you begin.

There are just a few preferences to set here, but you need to make any necessary changes before you launch into job creation. Also, if you track time, scroll down on the list on the left to Time & Expenses. Be sure time-tracking is turned on, as this will likely be an important element of your jobs.

Before you can attach jobs to customers, you’ll have to define your Job Types. Go to Lists | Customer & Vendor Profile Lists | Job Type List. A small window opens with command bars at the bottom. Open the Job Type tab and click New. Let’s say you’re a building contractor. You might type Remodel in the Job Type Name box, then OK.

Repeat until you’ve entered all of your job types. If you want to build subtypes, click New again and enter the name of the subtype, like Kitchen. Click Subtype of and click the arrow to drop down the list. Select the parent type and click OK.

Figure 2: It’s easy to build a list of your job types and subtypes.

Outlining your jobs

Of course, you’ll be attaching jobs to customers, though each Customer:Job will exist as an individual entity. So start by opening the Customer Center. Right-click on a customer who needs a job tracked and select Add Job. The New Job window opens, which should already contain your customer’s profile. Click on the Job Info tab. In the Job Name field, enter Main Home Kitchen Remodel, and skip over the Opening Balance field.

Click the arrow to open the Job Status list and select Awarded from the options offered (None, Pending, Awarded, In Progress, Closed, Not Awarded). Select the Start Date and Projected End Date. Type a brief description in the Description field and select the correct job type. Your window will look something like this:

Figure 3: You can lay out simple details about each job on this screen.

Click OK to save this job. It’s now available for use in transactions and reports. When you’re creating an invoice or estimate for a specific job, for example, or filtering a report, you’ll need to make sure that you select the correct job, and not just the customer. Otherwise, your bookkeeping will not be accurate.

Estimates and progress invoicing

If you do many jobs that take weeks or months, you may find yourself in a bit of a cash flow crunch. Rather than billing for everything at the end, companies in this position often deal with that by creating estimates and dispatching progress invoices. You don’t even have to send estimates to customers; they’re helpful, though, for gauging your projected income and expenses.

To build a progress invoice partway through a job, create the estimate and click Create Invoice. This window will open, offering three billing options:

Figure 4: QuickBooks gives you three options when you’re creating a progress invoice.

Select the one you want and click OK. Your invoice will appear, billed according to your instructions.

In-depth reports

Insightful, detailed reports are your reward for all of this meticulous bookkeeping. QuickBooks’ job definitions may be fairly simple, but the reports they make possible give you tremendous insight into how cost-effective your projects are. You’ll learn how each job is doing in terms of things like:

  • Profitability
  • The accuracy of your estimates
  • Time and mileage
  • Unbilled costs
  • Job status

QuickBooks’ job-tracking tools are not overly difficult to use, but you may want our help in getting your jobs set up and preparing progress invoices. Once you get more than a few jobs in the pipeline, you’re going to want to be very confident in your ability to keep up with these procedures. But if you do, you’ll have a deeper awareness of how all of your inventory and labor and other expenses are working together to complete projects profitably.

Using the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries Feature

Data entry and modifications in QuickBooks can be tedious. Beginning with QuickBooks 2010 Pro Edition and above, that job got a lot easier. The Add/Edit Multiple List Entries tool does just what its name implies: It lets you add entries to your lists of customers, vendors, services, inventory parts, and non-inventory parts. It also makes changing one or several of them quick and easy.

Using this feature, you can:

  • See customized views of your list data
  • Enter missing information
  • Create new entries from duplicates of existing ones
  • Do a mass change of a whole column
  • Copy and paste records from Excel

There are myriad applications for this tool. You could use it, for example, when you’re changing Preferred Vendors for a group of items and you don’t want to have to edit each individual item record. Or when the area code for select customers or vendors has changed. You could use it if you’re adding an inventory item that’s just slightly different from another, or when your accountant tells you to change the name of an account.

Building the perfect view

To get started, click Lists | Add/Edit Multiple List Entries. In the screen that opens, click the arrow next to the List box and select the type of data you want to see, like Customers. Then select the group that you want displayed by dropping the View list down. Click the Customize Columns button. This window opens:

Figure 1: Make sure your columns are correct and in the right order.

The list on the left represents all possible column labels. To make the list on the right reflect what you want to see in your table, highlight the correct item and use the Add or Remove buttons and the Move Up or Move Down buttons. When you’re satisfied, click OK. The table will change to display those columns in that order.

TIP: You may have a lot of empty space between columns. To close those gaps, put your cursor on the faint vertical line that separates two column names. A cross-like symbol will appear. Drag it left or right until the columns are positioned well.

Let’s say that a customer commissions a new job. Since so much information will remain the same as in previous jobs, you can duplicate her record. Highlight the last entry in her list of jobs and right-click. Select Duplicate Row. The new entry will contain her default information, except the name will change to DUP [NAME OF PREVIOUS JOB]. Change that phrase to the name of the new job and click Save Changes if you’re done.

Figure 2: It’s easy to duplicate an entry’s information.

Mass changes

You may occasionally want to make the same change to a subset of records. Say a city’s zip code changed and you want to find the customers affected. You’d open the Customers list, click on the View arrow and select Custom Filter. Then:

  • In the Search list, choose from All, Active, etc.
  • In the For box, enter the common attribute, like the zip code.
  • Click on the arrow next to the in box, and tell QuickBooks where you want to search (address fields, all common fields, etc.).

Figure 3: You can search for a group of entries that share a common characteristic.

  • Click Go. QuickBooks will display a list of all of the matching entries.
  • Make your change to the entry at the top of the list, then right-click on it. You’ll see this menu:

Figure 4: The Copy Down command changes all entries in a column to match the top one.

When you select Copy Down, all of the entries duplicate the first one in the list.

Some housekeeping

Anything you change in these views, as long as you click Save Changes, will be reflected throughout QuickBooks, wherever that record appears. If you’ve made an error, like using a dollar sign, you’ll get a message telling you to fix it.

You can use Add/Edit Multiple List Entries in other ways. For example, it’s a good way to see how thorough your recordkeeping is. Take a look at your lists occasionally to spot missing data. Or say you were at a trade show and signed up new customers, but you didn’t have QuickBooks on your laptop so you entered them in Excel. Once you’ve made sure that your column names and order in Excel match those displayed in Add/Edit Multiple List Entries, you can just copy and paste the new customers in.

This feature is easy to use, but be cautious. We can help with complex modifications. Add/Edit Multiple List Entries is one of the ten best features QuickBooks has incorporated in recent years. It’s an easy way to get a birds’ eye view of your lists, and a great time-saver.

19 Key Tips That Could Save Your Business

Meet New People, Try New Approaches
Tip: Make sure you don’t fall into the habit of always talking to the people you always used to and thinking that you can only do what you’ve always done. The first year in business has lots of administrative stuff to be done anyway so you have to schedule time to talk to new people and try new approaches. Only by trying new things will you start to grow.
Paul Slater, Mushcado Consulting Ltd

Build a referral network and make it hum!
Before we opened our doors in 2005 we went and knocked on a few ourselves. The idea was to get other related businesses to refer their clients to us for expert mortgage advice so we’d never have to advertise and would have a steady stream of quality prospects. It worked then and it sure works now. Our thanks goes to Warren Corston, Brian Tournier and Wayne Shea, Paul Twentyman, Rod Giles, Mark Jones and Doug McEwan who have been our strongest supporters since day one.
Campbell Hastie, The Go2Guys, Mortgage Advisers

Remain an Expert in your Field
It’s too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day admin and stop reading those industry magazines, emails and blogs. Spend 30 mins every morning keeping up-to-date with your industry. By doing so you’re unlikely to get caught out by customers who know more than you and it will help to keep you thinking strategically.
Conrad Heaven, Steer Online Marketing

Never Let Perfect Get In The Way of Better
We see so many people who have fantastic ideas in their heads but don’t implement anything for fear that they haven’t got it exactly perfect. What I suggest is, is that it is better to implement ‚”something” and then strive towards continual improvement rather than become paralysed and not act because you have let “perfect get in the way of better”.
Aimee Bridgman, RES Group

Build Relationships by Giving
Many approach business as what can I get, rather than the approach of what value can I provide or how can I help I do many public speaking events, teaching others how to market effectively on-line. I approach these events with the goal of giving good information, that the audience can take and apply. From this I get clients that want to focus on there own core business, and have me take care of the online marketing work for them. So how you position yourself as the person that is going to help by giving?
Paul Easton

Surround Yourself with Experts
As a business owner you are great at what you do but you are unlikely to be great at everything required to run a business. Find an Accountant that understands your industry, find a Lawyer that understands all the legal requirements of your industry, find a business mentor that has relevant experience in the areas you are weakest but most importantly ensure you can work and trust these professionals.
Dave Sewell, Business Development Specialist

Remember Your Clients and Customers
Clients and customers are what helps a business succeed. If you have frequent customers or clients as a small business, ask them their name, never forget it and always address them when they come in. Make friendships and get to KNOW them as people, not dollar signs. ALWAYS put customer satisfaction as the number one goal.
Josh Hayward, Astral Plane Studios

Believe, Ask Questions & Get Your Brand Sorted
Believe in your business and yourself as the business owner, and you’re already on a winning wicket. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Employ a brand design specialist form the word go.
Chris Young, C7 Design

Start Working ON Your business – NOT- IN Your business!”
If you want your business to thrive past its 1st year, then you must be, or planning to, Work ON your business & NOT In it. Unless you are a Lone Ranger, being a Lone Arkwright “OpenAllHours” means You created a JOB. Except you don’t get to switch off at 5pm. Working ON means bringing on Team; contractors, temps, VAs, spouse, family or hiring employees. So go find Your G-G-Granville….
Fiona Camberun, SellYourHouseNow Ltd

I will survive my first year of business because I will
Work my marketing action plan; Educate first, build relationships second and sell third; Invest one hour each day to expand my marketing knowledge; Continually measure my results; Adopt a proven sales process; Be personally accountable for all my actions; Demonstrate high business ethics with every interaction.
Leanne Hoagland-Smith, Advanced Systems

Don’t fall into the self employment trap
The trap is trying to do everything yourself. To have a successful business, you need support. So start off with a plan of all the functions needed to run the business, eg finance, marketing, admin support etc. Then as the business grows, outsource those functions that you don’t have the time or skills to do, so you are able to focus your energies on the work you enjoy.
Valerie Eaton, Smart VA Ltd

Prepare for the Roller Coaster Ride of your Life
Self-employment is not for the faint-hearted. Prepare yourself with plenty of self-confidence, a solid network of supportive friends/mentors, and a foundation of faith.
Michelle Hill, Winning Proof

Six Secret Variables: Steps to a Successful Start-up
Of every six new businesses started, five fail within five years. Although the high failure rate can be attributed to many factors, one common issue I see (even after surviving the first five years) is misalignment with a business model. And a good business model really depends on how well something called the Six Variables factored in when you first started your business.
Chia-Li Chien, Chien Associates LLC

“Do what you love”
You must genuinely enjoy and have a passion for your product / service or industry. Dale Carnegie wrote “You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing”. The enjoyment you have for your business will get you over the hard times, when others are struggling. Your passion will also rub off on clients too as they see someone who genuinely has a passion for serving them.
Tom O’Neil – Personal and Business Goal Specialist

Identify clear goals and objectives.
Where do you want to be in your business in 3 years. Understand and stay focused on your goals and actions. Understand how you will reach your goals, Develop your strategies and action plans for marketing, production finance and people. Identify what resources you will need that will allow you to implement your strategies and achieve your objectives. Measure your success; are you getting the results you wanted.
Heather Hutchings, Profitable Teams

The 3X Rule of Business Startups
If you want to survive your 1st year as a business owner, follow my 3X rule. I’ve funded 30 entrepreneurs as an investor and started companies. The 3X rule has never failed me when it comes to start-ups. You’ll need 3X the money you think you’ll need and it’ll take 3X longer than expected. So, raise 3X the capital to sustain the roller coaster ride – otherwise you’re out for the count. Game over.
Damir Perge, entrepreneurdex.com

Starting a Business – Are You Ready for Marriage?
Don’t even think about starting a business unless you are prepared to be literally be married to it for the first three years. The vast majority of businesses will only have a chance of becoming successful if you are prepared to commit between 12 and 18 hours a day, and 5 day weeks do not exist.
Nicholas Tee, Zane Education

Building Relationships
Developing and maintaining a good rapport with existing and prospective clients builds credibility and trust, which are the building blocks to success. Start by being genuine, and develop a system of accountability. If something goes awry it is best to fix it and move on, rather than play the blame game. Establishing a solid reputation starts at the community level. Network with like-minded individuals, who can help spread the word about your business. Return the favor in kind.
Gaelene Estlin

Read Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.
If you’ve already read it, read it again.
Grant Dally

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