
A Slip of the Lip May Bring on a Tax Audit

A Slip of the Lip May Bring on a Tax Audit

Many taxpayers have learned, to their dismay, that it generally isn’t wise to talk carelessly about their taxes – especially about sensitive areas. Why? Because the wrong person overheard their careless talk and “turned informer,” either for revenge or in the hope of an “informer’s reward.”

An informer’s “tip” to the IRS will often trigger a tax audit. Even though the taxpayer has done nothing improper, he or she may have to suffer through the audit. Not only is this time-consuming, but it can also result in additional taxes due to the discovery of an innocent error on the return or the disallowance of a marginal deduction.

Tip: Most informers are disgruntled employees and former spouses or lovers.

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