Getting Your Business Organized Using Google Docs

Sometimes you come across information that awakens your thought process similar to how smelling salt awakens a KO’d fighter. That’s how I felt after reading the below article on ‘Getting Your Business Organized Using Google Docs’. I am a daily user of google products, so the information in the article is not necessarily new to me, its just some of he thought processes laid out in this article are fantastic… Making it a must read.

As a person with a educational and professional background in accounting I consider myself, and am considered by others, as an organized individual; someone who helps organizations in the process of establishing systems to keep them organized. Yet this article has rearranged my thinking as to the importance of cloud computing vs traditional file folder organization.

Here are some excerpts:

…’As Merrill writes, “the root of our problem is our brain; it’s simply not designed to deal with the competing demands of our time and attention in today’s fast-paced, information-saturated, hyper-linked world.” Every day, we are all becoming more and more overwhelmed by information. So cutting through that clutter becomes increasingly important.’…

…At any given moment, your brain can hold no more than 5 to 9 items at once in short-term memory, as Merrill notes in the book. As you need more space (when multitasking) and try to remember more, your brain pushes items into long-term memory, until they are needed again. That process is far from foolproof….

…“Because of all of that back and forth, it turns out empirically that you drop more information by multitasking than you do by working on tasks independently,” Merrill says. “So not only does multitasking make you more stressed, but it makes you less effective.”…

The full article can be found here:

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